Today we have released Real Estate Manager's version 10.7.0. Its a major update of this…
Real Estate Manager v10.7.6 release and changelog
Real Estate Manager v10.7.5 and v10.7.6 include a bunch of new features/enhancements and many other fixes. An overview of the changelog can be found here. Below are the detailed changes and updates.
2 New Search Templates
In this release, we added 2 new search form styles. You can use them by providing the style number in the style attribute of the search shortcode. Style 1 is the default one, Style 2 is for inline single-line fields and Style 3 is tabbed view.
2 New Agent Cards
As you know there are already 3 templates and we now added 2 more. For these, you can use the style numbers 4 and 5 in the Agent’s List shortcode and you can select them for listing sidebar and agent page from the settings.
Custom Admin Filtering
Now you can add custom filters in the admin listing. Go to Settings -> Property Settings -> Admin Filtering and provide dropdown field keys each per line.
Attachments Uploader Enhanced
We have added a bunch of new settings in the attachments uploader including maximum files and supported formats. You can set up these from Property Fields -> File Attachments.
Dropdown Styles
Now you can choose from 4 of the dropdown styles that are used in the Real Estate Manager plugin. Go to Settings -> Template Settings -> Dropdown Styles
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